Dear Councillor ...
It has come to my attention (and was mentioned at the council meeting of 21 November) that a local campaigner has been shamefully treated by an elected representative of the people of South Gloucestershire.
On 24/10/01, Cllr Pat Hockey sent an e-mail in which the following statements were made concerning Richard Burton, the CTC representative for South Gloucestershire:
"This person is an absolute pain!"
"Requests are being made to the CTC by other cyclists to change
their representative because of his attitude."
"he is often somewhat economic with the truth."
Cllr Hockey inadvertently copied the e-mail to Mr Burton, who has requested an apology. This has been refused.
I should be interested to know your feelings regarding a councillor who treats the people she has been elected to represent in this manner (regardless of the code of conduct for council members), and I am sure that Mr Burton would appreciate your approaching Cllr Hockey for an explanation of her statements and of her reasons for refusing to apologise.
Incidentally, I e-mailed you on 31/10/01 expressing serious concerns for cyclist safety on my commute. I have yet to receive a response. I should be interested to know what action is being taken on this matter.
Yours sincerely
Danny Colyer BSc(Hons)
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